How does a Geothermal unit work?

All geothermal units require wells in order to access and pull ground water into the system. In heating mode a geothermal unit takes heat from the ground water is pulls.  As the system pulls the water thru the loop the heat is removed and is distributed thru a duct system.  In the cooling mode a geothermal unit takes the cool air off the water and distributes it thru the same via the duct system.   Type your paragraph here.


Geothermal Heatpumps have several benefits over the convention air to air heatpumps including a much lower operating cost, the length of life is typically 25 years, and they require very little in terms of maintenance.  These benefits plus many more have made geothermal heatpumps a preferred route for many individuals.   your paragraph here.

Heating / Cooling/ Geothermal